CHILDLINE 1098 Firozabad

 Childline 1098 is a national emergency outreach service for those children, who need care and protection under the juvenile justice act-2015. It is funded by the ministry of women and child development GOI. Currently, it’s been working all over india. CHIRAGH SOCIETY operates ChildLine 1098 project in the Firozabad district. Firozabad is located in the western interiors of the state of Uttar Pradesh, which also goes by the name of ‘Suhag Nagri’. Firozabad is a hub of bangle-making industry. Home-based child labor is a major issue in firozabad.

Since 2011, Chiragh Society continues operating the ChildLine 1098 project by the support of CIF in Firozabad and assisting children in difficult circumstances, and ensuring their fundamental rights of survival, development, protection, education, and participation.


 The ministry of women and child development and ministry of railways have jointly taken an initiative to ensure the care and protection, security and well-being of run away, unaccompanied and trafficked children who came in contact with the railway department.

Mathura junction is the largest and most famous railway station connecting north India with the south. This city is always an attraction for pilgrims and tourists. Since 2018, the CHIRAGH Society operates Railway ChildLine 1098 project at Mathura junction and helps children in identifying such vulnerable children and bringing them into a safe environment. 

Awareness programs

Chiragh Society, as a civil- society organization, has come forward to minimize the suffering through immediate relief work, continued awareness building, support of public health department, rehabilitative support. CHIRAGH’s Director Dr. ZAFAR ALAM also played additionally key role to support health department during lockdown to work directly with Covid Emergency Response team and identified hundreds of Covid-19 patient and admitted them into hospital. And the other hand Chiragh team helped to covid-19 patient’s family by dry ration kit or emotional support.

Covid-19 Pandemic

Covid-19 Pandemic has impacted the entire world severely. It has affected not only health and survival but also the socio-economic development of the world as a whole. In short, run, while it has caused tremendous casualties, measures to restrict its spread, like lockdown and other mobility restrictions, have resulted in creating food security issues as supply chain hampered. Supply of other essentials has also been affected in spite of the efforts of government to minimize this. Hunger and malnutrition, in this situation, are likely to increase. Incidence of other diseases too can increase because people are hesitating in approaching health services for other issues and the health machinery itself is heavily occupied with its treatment and vaccination.

Loss of livelihood has been the most devastating outcome of the pandemic. Lockdown resulted in closure of several economic activities and resulted in increasing unemployment, poverty and hunger heavily.


Chiragh Society Continuously supporting to Firozabad District administration in mass awareness campaign drive on different government welfare schemes like voters awareness campaign, school chalo abhiyan, dots,  pulse polio campaign, Covid Vaccination, child labour awarenss campaign, beti bachao beti padhao campaign, mahila suraksha campaign, girls feticide etc.


  • 2000 needy families provided emergency dry ration kit support during lockdown. The kit included foodgrains (wheat flour/rice, pulses, grinded spices, cooking oil, biscuits etc.)
  • Approximately 10000 mask and gloves distributed to community members and frontline workers.
  • Approximately 1000 Sanitation kits distributed children, community members and front line workers. (The Kit included Soap, Sanitizers, mask, gloves, Black Hit etc.)
  • Support to health department in 3000 people Vaccination by Chiragh team at Firozabad.